January 30 to 31, 2023
Who was aboard?
Lead Scientist: Dawn Barlow
Cetacean Observers: Dawn, Randalynn Liddle, & Imogen Lucciano Rockhopper Recovery: Derek Jaskula
R/V Pacific Storm Team: Yogi Briggs, Kevin Cool, & Kenneth Serven
What did we see?
Humpback whales, gray whales, Dall’s porpoises, fur seals

Pacific loon, common murre, rhinoceros auklet, Cassin’s auklet, black-legged kittiwake, western gull, California gull, short-billed (mew) gull, herring gull, Iceland gull, glaucous winged gull, black-footed albatross, northern fulmar

July 14 to 15, 2022
Who was aboard?
Lead Cetacean Observer and Team Lead: Craig Hayslip
Cetacean Observers: Dawn Barlow, Rachel Kaplan, Jill Munger, Amanda Kent & Randalynn Liddle
Seabird Observers: Alexa Piggot & Suzie Winquist
R/V Pacific Storm Team: Yogi Briggs, Kevin Cool, & Kenneth Serven
What did we see?
Humpback whales, fin whales, a California sea lions, & a harbor porpoise.

Artic tern, ashy storm petrel, black-footed albatross, Brandt’s cormorants, Cassin’s auklet, common murre, fork-tailed storm petrel, Hermann’s gull, Leach’s storm petrel, marbled murrelet, northern fulmar, parasitic jager, pelagic cormorant, pink-footed shearwater, red-necked phalarope, Sabine’s gull, sooty shearwater, western gull.

June 7 to 8, 2022
Who was aboard?
Lead Scientist: Holger Klinck
Cetacean Observers: Imogen Lucciano, Rachel Kaplan, & Renee Albertson
Seabird Observer: Alexa Piggot
Rockhopper Team: Holger Klinck, Derek Jaskula, Kenneth Serven, & Marissa Garcia
R/V Pacific Storm Team: Yogi Briggs, Kevin Cool, & Kenneth Serven
What did we see?
Fin whales, a sei whale, northern fur seals, pacific white-sided dolphins, northern right whale dolphins, humpback whales, and a sea otter.

Black-footed albatross, fork-tailed storm petrel, Leach’s storm petrel, marbled murrelet, sooty shearwater, western gulls, pink-footed shearwater, northern fulmar, & common murres.

January 9 to 10, 2022
Who was aboard?
Lead Visual Observer and Team Lead: Craig Hayslip
Cetacean Observers: Dawn Barlow & Imogen Lucciano
Seabird Observers: Will Kennerley
Echosounder: Dawn Barlow
R/V Pacific Storm Team: Yogi Briggs, Kevin Cool, & Kenneth Serven
What did we see?
Dall’s porpoise, northern fur seals, Northern right whale dolphins

Pomarine jaeger, common murre, rhinoceros auklet, ancient murrelet, Cassin’s auklet, black-legged kittiwake, western gull, California gull, short-billed (mew) gull, herring gull , glaucous-winged gull, Laysan albatross, black-footed albatross, northern fulmar.

November 20 to 21, 2021
Who was aboard?
Lead Visual Observer and Team Lead: Craig Hayslip
Cetacean Observers: Dawn Barlow, Rachel Kaplan, Jill Munger, Kelly Lizewski
Seabird Observers: Will Kennerley
Echosounder: Macarena Diaz Astudillo, Rachel Kaplan
R/V Pacific Storm Team: Yogi Briggs, Kevin Cool, & Kenneth Serven
What did we see?
Blue whales, Dall’s porpoise, California sea lions, humpback whales, Pacific white-sided dolphins, sperm whales
Red-breasted Merganser, Pomarine Jaeger, Laysan albatross, black-footed albatross, rhinoceros auklet, northern fulmar, sooty shearwater, fork-tailed storm-petrel, glaucous-winged gull, Iceland gull, herring gull, black-legged kittiwake, common murre, western gull, California gull

October 8 to 9, 2021
Who was aboard?
Lead Scientists: Dr. Leigh Torres, Dr. Holger Klinck
Cetacean Observers: Craig Hayslip & Imogen Lucciano Echosounder: Rachel Kaplan
R/V Pacific Storm Team: Yogi Briggs, Kevin Cool, & Kenneth Serven
What did we see?
Northern right whale dolphins, a pod of killer whales, a fin whale, humpback whales

To learn more about this voyage, read Imogen Lucciano and Marissa Garcia’s blog for the GEMM Lab below.